Cultural District
Connect with the soul of our city. Designated a Cultural District by the State of Texas in 2016, Downtown Arlington is the home for our creative class. Discover the artists, studios and venues that make the Downtown Arlington Cultural District unlike any other. Meet our past by visiting our historic locations. Expand your cultural horizons with our visual and performing arts partners. Take the whole family out to one of our annual art festivals.

This website and directory is supported in part by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts.
Founding Members

The University of Texas at Arlington

Downtown Arlington Management Corp.

Downtown Arlington Management Corporation(DAMC), in partnership with the City of Arlington and the University of Texas at Arlington(UTA), received a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts to explore the need for new shared arts facilities in Downtown Arlington. Webb Mgmt, along with partners Steinberg Hart Architects and Schuler Shook Theater Consultants, was selected in March 2020 by the Downtown Arlington Management Corporation to conduct that study. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic occurring at that moment in time, the brief for the study was adjusted to address the following goals:
•Help the local arts sector respond and the move forward from the COVID-19 pandemic and attendant economic disruption.
•Support the sector moving forward, particularly around the issue of facilities.
•Identify ways to extract more value out of existing arts facilities in Arlington through some combination of physical improvements, easier access and operating policy.
•Advance plans for Downtown Arlington through the investment in creative components and their integration into a larger brand and identity for the area.
•Identify BIG ideas for cultural development.