Business Improvement District (BID) / DAMC / Downtown Outdoors
Sep 13, 2022
Pet Lovers Unite Over Downtown's New "Your Dog, Your Dooty" Campaign
We are definitely dog people at Downtown Arlington! In our office, the average number of four-legged pets per staff member is 1.5. Maybe you've seen us tagging along with our furry friends to the plethora of pet-friendly patios, outdoor concerts, and other Downtown events.

Now that it's fall, UT Arlington students are back in full force, and more students than ever who live in Downtown Arlington are sharing their college years with a pet. Given that our Downtown student communities are currently at 99% (wow!) occupancy, we're seeing so many more four-legged friends taking their favorite humans outside to play. We love it!
All that regular walking, jogging, sniffing, and exploring around Downtown does come with at least one (ahem) daily dooty. So this week, Downtown Arlington is kicking off a campaign to offer funny and friendly reminders that it's...
Your Dog, Your Dooty!
The Your Dog, Your Dooty campaign was conceived by the Downtown Arlington as a way to remind pet owners (like us!) to help keep our neighborhood clean by always picking up after our pets.

Keeping your Downtown neighborhood clean is just one of the serious reasons behind this lighthearted campaign, including:
- Dog poop can negatively affect the water supply.
- Dog poop can spread diseases.
- Picking up your dog's poop is the courteous thing to do!
- Dog poop doesn't decompose as a fertilizer, like cow poop does.
- Dog poop that's left behind will generate foul odors.
- Picking up your dog's poop is the law.
Is that final reason a surprise? It is, in fact, the law in Arlington to pick up after your pet has defecated in a public place or on private property. If you don't, you could be fined up to $500. BAD dog owner!
We hope you'll get a laugh--and get the point--of the Your Dog, Your Dooty signs and posters that you'll see all around Downtown in storefronts and residential communities.
If your place of business would like a Your Dog, Your Dooty poster, just let us know!

Thank you to the Downtown Arlington Marketing Committee for the leadership in developing the campaign, and to Karina Oviedo, one of Downtown's talented MOD Squad summer interns, who served as our graphic designer.