Abram Street / Development / MyAbram / Transportation & Mobility
May 6, 2018
Weekly Update: Abram St. Project Construction & Lane Closures
Weekly Abram St. Construction Updates
Here are the anticipated traffic impacts for the coming weeks on and along Abram Street in Downtown Arlington. Closures and detours are subject to changes due to weather and schedule. In future updates, new information will be indicated in bold.
Abram Street between Pecan and Center
The outside lanes of eastbound and westbound Abram Street between Pecan and Center streets, which is the area between City Hall and the Levitt Pavilion, will be closed to traffic through August 2018.
- Lane closures and shifts are scheduled to occur at the intersection of Abram and Pecan Streets to allow for the installation of electrical conduit. Beginning Monday, April 30, the eastbound lane will be closed and all traffic moved to the westbound lanes. Once installation is completed on the south side of the street, all traffic will be moved to the eastbound lanes to install the conduit on the north side. These lane shifts are estimated to be in effect until Wednesday, May 2.
- Temporary fencing has been installed along the north side of Founders Plaza across from City Hall to protect visitors to the Downtown park and the Levitt Pavilion from construction activities. Pedestrians can enter the park from the east side of Center Street or from the southwest corner of the Pecan and Abram streets intersection.
- The sidewalk on Abram Street between Center and Pecan streets will be temporarily closed starting Wednesday, May 9 through September 2018. This sidewalk closure is needed due to the ongoing construction activities on the Abram Street Rebuild project for the south City Hall Plaza area and also for pedestrian safety. Sidewalk detour signs will be installed on Abram Street, Center Street and Mesquite Street to direct pedestrian traffic from Abram Street to the north side of City Hall between the new George W. Hawkes Downtown Library and City Hall. The existing metal accessibility ramp access to the south side of City Hall will remain open until the new accessibility ramp on the east side of City Hall is installed.

Abram Street between Weeks Avenue and Jeffries Street
- Starting the week of March 25, the eastbound lanes of Abram Street will be closed between Weeks Avenue and Jeffries Street for the installation of sanitary sewer lines. However, two-way traffic will be maintained at all times during construction, which is set to last through June. This section is west of Collins Street.
Cooper and Abram streets intersection
- Some turn lanes closures are expected for the Cooper and Abram streets intersection starting the week of March 25. Drivers will still be able to make turns, but the existing turn lanes from northbound Cooper Street onto eastbound Abram Street and from eastbound Abram Street onto southbound Cooper Street will be closed. Other work includes the removal of the traffic island at the southeast corner of the intersection and the relocation of the traffic signs. Work on this section is expected to last through May.
Getting Around Downtown
Free parking is available throughout Downtown, including in the public lot west of City Hall, in the 101 Center Parking garage, along Front Street, and in the new reverse-angle parking spaces along Abram, Center and Mesquite streets.
Abram Street will be open to two-way traffic throughout its two-year redevelopment. Track #myAbram and visit myAbram.com for the latest information about traffic routing and construction milestones. Download Waze for free and see real-time traffic, find optimal routes and avoid road closures, or for only $3 take Via Arlington and leave your car at home.
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Updates provided by the City of Arlington and shared courtesy of DAMC.