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Sep 24, 2018
This Week At The Levitt Pavilion: Sept. 28-30
Three artists with their roots firmly planted in Tarrant County perform at Levitt Pavilion Arlington Friday-Sunday, Sept. 28-30 as the pavilion's 10th anniversary season begins to wind down.

9/29: Grady Spencer and The Work describe themselves as "a blue collar band making blue collar music for a blue collar world." They bring their old-time blues meets classic country music to the Levitt Pavilion on Saturday, Sept. 29. Spencer formed his band, The Work, in Fort Worth, after he met and befriended guitarist, Trevor Powell, and drummer, Blake Sager, under the marble angels of Bass Hall. Along with their bass player, Steve Moore, they criss-cross the south in their trusty Econovan (Jean-Claude Van Dam).
9/30: One of the turning points in Tatiana Mayfield's young life was a week at jazz camp at the University of Texas at Arlington. At the time, she was 13 and the camp's only female, only trombone player and only jazz vocalist. After graduating from Brewer High School in Fort Worth, she continued her musical education at Tarrant County College, then the University of North Texas. Now she's known as "Lady May" and has performed with the Showtime at the Apollo tour, opened for artists like Kirk Whalum and Randy Brecker, and appears regularly at the Scatt Jazz Club in Sundance Square. On Sunday, Sept. 30, Lady May takes the stage with the UTA Jazz Orchestra.
The remaining 2018 fall concert season calendar is available on the Levitt's website, levittpavilionarlington.org.
All shows begin at 8:00 p.m. Shared in partnership with the Levitt Pavilion Arlington. Click here for the full Fall 2018 concert schedule.