City / Coming Soon / DAMC / Development
Jan 18, 2024
Make Your Mark! Buy a Commemorative Brick Today!

-The "buy a brick" campaign ended Aug. 2, 2024-
Downtown Arlington is now accepting donations in support of Arlington’s newest dog park, The Downtown Arlington Doggie Depot. Donations are available at two levels: $100 for a 4” x 8” inscribed brick and $250 for an 8” x 8” brick. No limit per customer. Messages are limited to 18 characters per line, spread across three to six lines of text depending on brick size.
Follow the Doggie Depot on Social
These commemorative symbols are a great opportunity to honor your furry friends, eternalize your family name, celebrate your loved ones, and show support for your community. This brick-covered path will be located on the pathway leading to the Doggie Depot, Downtown Arlington’s first off-leash dog park. Thousands of visitors a year will be welcomed by you, your loved ones, your pets, or your organization as they celebrate your contribution to this great community amenity.
Located south of the railroad tracks between Center Street and Mesquite Street, Downtown Arlington’s Doggie Depot will include ADA access, running water, lighting, dog waste stations, play areas for both small and large dogs, and eco-friendly fencing with mesh openings and an anti-climb design. Additionally, for the non-four-legged individuals, there will be shaded seating areas to hang out with friends and socialize with other dog owners from the community.

Why are we doing it and who does it serve?
One of the biggest things our residents have in common is pet ownership. Data from our 2022 Downtown Resident Survey indicated that out of over 4,000 residents, 40% of respondents own a dog. Another question found that residents have been dissatisfied by the lack of pet-specific destinations within walking distance of their residences.
Due to the absence of an identified space, downtown’s pet population does not currently have adequate access to open green spaces, pushing people to walk their dogs in the unsafe fields of our proposed site. These fields currently have no lighting, no fencing, and no pet-friendly infrastructure, nor do they receive adequate lawn care. For this reason, more and more residents are also walking their dogs on the sidewalks near our commercial properties and leaving waste in inappropriate locations. This presents a health and safety concern for our residents and visitors and prevents our pet population from receiving necessary off-leash exercise.
Aside from the sanitary and safety benefits, dog parks provide a space for people to socialize, connect, and build a community naturally unhindered by geographic boundaries or obstacles. Currently, the railroad tracks located north of the Doggie Depot act as a dividing line in our district, creating a lack of synergy between the range of new bars, restaurants, and residential located along Abram and Front Streets. The Doggie Depot aims to turn the space into a place of community involvement that helps weave our district together.
Purchase your brick today to be a permanent part of our history, pushing the progress of Downtown Arlington as we welcome our first designated dog park downtown.