DAMC / Entrepreneurship
Dec 10, 2022
Nice to Meet You! Introducing Tony Rutigliano, Downtown Arlington Board of Directors
As the governing body for the Downtown Arlington Business Improvement District (BID), our Board of Directors represents the diverse interests found within our vibrant community. Each member of our Board brings incredible insights to our planning and programming, and we're proud to serve beside them. In our Q&A series, Nice to Meet You, we look forward to introducing you to our newest Directors.
Today we're chatting with Tony Rutigliano, one of Downtown Arlington's longest-standing and biggest superfans.

Downtown Arlington: What do you love most about Downtown Arlington?
Tony Rutigliano: There’s lots to love about Downtown Arlington, but if I had to narrow it down, I’d say the wonderful community of partners and the amazing cultural arts scene!
DA: Name a leader in our community who inspires you, then in one sentence, tell us why.
TR: When I reflect on the all the outstanding community leaders we’ve had in Arlington, and especially in Downtown Arlington, the one person that stands out in my mind is Tom Cravens. Tom was a pioneer in downtown revitalization long before it was cool. Many of the successes we’ve experienced over the years are a direct result of his visionary leadership and diligence.
DA: What is your favorite Downtown building or place?
TR: I am biased, but I love the DREAM sculpture!
DA: What inspires you in Downtown Arlington?
TR: The community and overwhelming sense of pride that’s blossomed in Arlington as a result of the growth in downtown.
DA: When you think about a bright future for Downtown, what one thing do you think will contribute most to its long-term success?
TR: I’d say passion! There are so many individuals and organizations who love this city and work daily to contribute to its success.
DA: What's your Texas Rangers walk-on song?
TR: Should’ve Been a Cowboy by Toby Keith