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Sep 28, 2023
All Aboard! Next Stop: The Downtown Arlington Doggie Depot

Grab your friends, families, and furry friends too, and get ready for Downtown Arlington’s latest development: The Downtown Arlington Doggie Depot! Located in the heart of Arlington, Doggie Depot is downtown’s first off-leash dog area, bringing together our residents and visitors to connect and build new relationships while maintaining pet health. We heard your requests and we’re proud to say that it’s on its way. Here’s everything you need to know about Downtown’s new off-leash doggie destination.
Rewind to Spring of last year, you may remember seeing little flyers for the 2022 Downtown Resident Survey on your windshields and in your mailbox. If you answered, then you’ve played a key role in downtown’s newest venture: The Downtown Arlington Doggie Depot. Data from our 2022 Downtown Resident Survey showed 40% of respondents had a pet while another question found that these residents have been dissatisfied by the lack of pet-friendly destinations within walking distance of their residences. These findings gave us the necessary push to go out there and find a solution.
Fast forward to April 2023, Downtown Arlington announced that we were the recipients of a $75,000 competitive national grant from Project for Public Spaces with funding from General Motors. This grant, in conjunction with their financial contribution, includes in-kind architectural design services from Project for Public Spaces. Project for Public Spaces is a renowned placemaking and urban development organization with decades of experience transforming spaces to places, and we are glad to have them on our side.

The Doggie Details

Doggie Depot will be located near the area informally referred to as the railroad corridor in Arlington, adjacent to the Municipal Office Tower on Mesquite Street and along the southeast side of the train tracks. This off-leash dog area will be centrally located between downtown’s bars, restaurants, retail, and entertainment while also being within walking distance of nearby residences. Doggie Depot revitalizes this once forgotten land as a new gathering place for residents and visitors alike to meet, mingle, and form shared experiences while establishing a routine to keep their pets happy, healthy, and active.
The Downtown Arlington Doggie Depot is expected to include fencing, ADA access, running water, lighting, dog waste stations, and play areas for both small and large dogs, separated by a fence. Additionally, you may recall seeing idea boards placed around downtown businesses such as Inclusion Coffee and George W. Hawkes Library. These boards were placed around the city to gain insight into what downtown’s dog owners wanted to see at the new green space, from special events to seasonal programming. These boards engaged over 1,000 people with common answers including a gathering space, shaded seating, and various dog-centric events, such as dog-themed movie nights.

As a result of these responses, Downtown Arlington, in partnership with neighboring organizations and businesses in Arlington, plans to host several events and programming on site as well as implement community-driven initiatives that encourage participation and connection. With the construction of Doggie Depot, we will be able to continue fan-favorite events, such as the acclaimed “Pet Portrait Photo Walk,” and jumpstart a new wave of programming as part of our annual “Downtown Outdoors” campaign.
The Canine Timeline
Phase I, which includes site planning, design, and fundraising, is currently underway. Phase II begins in December 2023 with construction of the site’s improvements, such as running water, landscaping, electricity, and pavement treatments. Doggie Depot is tentatively scheduled to open for public use in May 2024 with the installation of the park’s amenities, such as fencing, benches and tables, covered seating, signage, and dog agility play pieces.
Go and tell your family and friends – the human ones and the furry ones too – about the Doggie Depot and get ready to have a ton more fun with your four-legged pals! More information is coming soon on how you can support the Downtown Arlington Doggie Depot. Be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and subscribe to the Downtown Arlington newsletter for updates on the Doggie Depot.