Business Improvement District (BID) / City / Cultural Arts / DAMC / Development / Entrepreneurship
Dec 19, 2022
A Gift that Keeps Giving: 2022 Year in Review
As we wrap up our Christmas shopping, holiday baking, and final plans for merry making, we're thinking about all the ways Downtown Arlington is the gift that keeps giving to our community.
And we don't just mean this year, although 2022 has brought us many milestones to celebrate! We're also thinking about how much Downtown Arlington has transformed since 2010.
Why, in particular, 2010? That was the year that Downtown property owners came together with the City of Arlington and established the Arlington Downtown Business Improvement District (BID). Instead of relying solely on city funds, property owners had the vision to fuel economic momentum themselves. They also recognized that a strong partnership with The University of Texas at Arlington, including funding support and a shared vision, would accelerate progress. This comprehensive momentum is still being driven today by strategic management based on a Downtown Master Plan and meaningful services including security, beautification, marketing, economic development, and oversight of the Arlington Cultural District.
Thanks to dedicated investment over the last twelve years by the members of the Business Improvement District, coupled with vibrant partnerships with the City and UT Arlington, Downtown Arlington has been transformed into the gift it is today. And thanks to their continued investment, Downtown Arlington will continue to innovate and move forward.